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Cork underlay is a type of carpet underlay that is made from natural cork. It is a popular choice among homeowners who prefer eco-friendly materials as it is a renewable and sustainable resource.

Cork underlay provides several benefits for carpeting, including:

  1. Sound insulation: Cork is an excellent sound insulator, making it an ideal choice for use in homes where noise reduction is important.

  2. Thermal insulation: Cork underlay provides good thermal insulation, helping to keep homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

  3. Durability: Cork is a resilient material that is resistant to compression and can withstand heavy foot traffic.

  4. Eco-friendliness: Cork is a renewable resource that is harvested without harming the tree, making it an eco-friendly choice.

  5. Anti-allergenic: Cork underlay is naturally anti-allergenic, making it a good choice for people who suffer from allergies.

Cork underlay is typically available in rolls or sheets, and can be used with a variety of carpet types. It is important to choose the correct thickness of cork underlay based on the type of carpet and level of foot traffic in the room

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